Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Desk job- how to overcome daily stresses

If you and/or your work staff spend a considerable amount of time sitting at your desks working non-stop on computers, you may just be shortening your life. Doesn’t it sound sounds scary? According to a recent article in the New York Times, your chair is your biggest enemy. Today, there is a trend for stand up desks. They are becoming more popular. Workers have reported fewer aches than sitting. But many companies have not yet implemented it around the world. Hence, other ways need to be put, to cure your body from decaying. Workers can go do an Asian oil massage at Ballaura once in a while.

The modern workday is an average of nine hours a day. A large part of the work required is still primarily done sitting at a desk (or perhaps coffeehouse table) – which means people are literally in danger of too much sitting. The magnitude of a desk job is phenomenal. The risks connected with sitting consist of, elevated blood sugar, increased blood pressure, irregular cholesterol levels and excess body fat around the waist. Even a layman comes to realize that these problems could certainly affect them in day-to-day efficiency. It will most definitely affect the long-term physical condition. This means more days away from the office due to medical issues and illness. There are Massage parlours Morley to take a break outside of your work routine

2 ways to overcome desk jobs-

Frequent stretches- There is no shame in occasionally stretching your hands or legs or swirl the neck for movement. Obviously, keep in mind your colleague’s space and respect that. The stretches will help keep the body a bit better than not stretching at all. Move your arms and legs for 10-15 seconds. By moving your arms in ways that you usually do not when seated and typing, your blood flow enhances and it helps in your flexibility.

Get up- yes we know you have lots of work. You need to take phone calls, type, etc. Create excuses to go to the toilet or the water cooler. Go to the canteen or just walk around wherever you can. Movements will help keep you active. If nothing else, just stand up and walk around the office. Let people join you if possible. Everyone needs these kinds of breaks to work better. Taking these mini-breaks will also help in creativity. Breaks are good for the mind. Therefore, go out and take the 2-min break now.

The mentions from above are only limited to your office. You can go for meditation and massage after work. It will help the body to get some rest and energy at the same time. Massage works great on a tired or painful body. It relieves tension and makes for a healthy body because of the pressure put on the body. You need to let the therapist know about your aches and pain before starting with a proper Chinese massage at Malaga.

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